
Gen Z Travel Planning, Booking Behavior, and Financial Trends

Gen Z Travel: Decoding Digital Planning and Financial Trends In this second installment of our Gen Z travel series,…

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The Evolution of Pet Care

The way we care for our pets has undergone a remarkable transformation over the years, moving from basic needs…

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The Insights in Marketing Strategic Planning Guide

How to Innovate, Grow and Gain a Competitive Edge by Listening to Consumers Do Consumer Insights Guide Your…

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3 Ways to Create a Consumer Focused Culture and Gain a Competitive Advantage

It’s more important than ever to guide strategic decisions with market research, and socializing consumer insights can…

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The Women 2020 Study

Reaching Millennials Using Research as a Basis

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Is Social Media the New Storefront?

How brands can use social media to reach consumers and increase sales People go on a quest for knowledge before they…

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Generations 2020 Study

A Study of Generational Attitudes & Perceptions About Cannabis Legalization and Usage IIM’s proprietary…

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marketing to women

Marketing to Women: Demographic Trends Shape the Marketing Landscape

Women are now the world’s most powerful consumers, driving up to 85 percent of purchasing decisions. Six key…

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