Elevating Brand Perception in New Audiences: A Strategic Campaign Case Study in the Insurance Sector

The Challenge

The insurance client identified a new high-opportunity audience segment with limited but positive associations with the brand. The challenge was to enhance the brand’s perception among this audience, making it a top-of-mind choice without compromising on quality and savings. The goal was to develop a campaign that leveraged the brand’s existing equity to create a memorable and impactful message.

The Primary Objectives Were To:

  • Determine if consumers understand the communication and intended message of the campaign’s creative executions.
  • Identify strengths and areas of opportunity for each execution.
  • Assess the engagement, entertainment value, humor, and relevance of the advertisements.
  • Evaluate the potential of each execution for breakthrough impact.
  • Assess the compelling nature of the communication and its ability to motivate consideration of the insurance client.

In-Person Focused Discussions

Insights in Marketing conducted in-person focused discussions as the primary tool for this research. These discussions provided a platform for direct, interactive feedback from participants, offering a deeper dive into their perceptions and reactions to the advertising campaign. The selection of participants aimed to represent the target audience comprehensively, ensuring a diverse range of opinions and experiences. This approach was essential for gathering nuanced qualitative feedback and gaining a thorough understanding of the campaign’s impact and effectiveness.

Key Insights

General insights from the research included:

  • Consumers demonstrated a clear understanding of the campaign’s objective and main message, particularly focusing on the balance between quality and savings.
  • Engagement and humor were key factors in the success of the commercials, though some endings were perceived as less effective.
  • The importance of clear messaging and the significance of the scenarios portrayed in the commercials were highlighted.
  • The role of the spokesperson and certain campaign elements were seen as impactful in enhancing brand recognition.
  • The effectiveness of different taglines in summarizing the campaign’s message was noted, with preferences shown for certain phrases.

Conclusions and Implications

The insights gained from the marketing research were pivotal in ascertaining the effectiveness of the campaign strategies and guiding future marketing decisions. The research confirmed that the campaign successfully communicated its strategic message to the target audience. However, it also highlighted areas for improvement, particularly in enhancing clarity and engagement in certain executions. These insights are invaluable for refining future campaigns, ensuring they resonate more effectively with the audience. The research underscored the importance of focusing on relatable scenarios and universal truths to strengthen the brand’s message. Additionally, the role of the spokesperson and effective campaign elements, as identified in the research, should be strategically leveraged in future advertising efforts. The preferred taglines, as chosen by the research participants, offer a clear direction for reinforcing the message of quality and savings in future marketing initiatives.