Tips for Managing the Virtual Backroom
As experienced qualitative consultants well know, the consumer discussion is only one piece of research engagements…
Qualitative Research Inspires Innovation
Five Reasons Focus Groups Remain Relevant In The Era Of Zoom And Big Data As technology grows and new and different…
10 Key Areas that Lead to Successful Focus Groups: Part One
Let’s play a word association game. If you hear the term ‘Focus Groups’, what are the first three things that pop into…
10 Key Areas that Lead to Successful Focus Groups: Part Two
This is Part 2 of a 2-part series; to read Part 1, click here. Running a focus group can be overwhelming, which is…
Planes, Trains and Focus Groups
In the 1920s, the train was king for cross country travel, and various railroads fought for "market share" as each…
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