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5 Ways to Improve Product Development with Market Research

Tapping into consumer insights at five stages of concept and product development significantly reduces risks and…

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2021 Holiday Shopping Recap

How Did Consumers Shop for Holiday Gifts?  We previously shared our thoughts on what are research predicted would…

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Ready To Rethink Your Package Design?

Multi-Sensory Package Design Differentiates Brands Now that online purchases have doubled, brands need to stand out…

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Unraveling the Paradox of Consumer Decision Making to Develop Products Your Target Consumers Want

Have you ever talked to consumers & they tell you that some feature is a really important part of a product, but if…

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The Worst Advice about New Product Development

Business school is great.  It gives a solid foundation in business techniques and theories, builds the idea of teamwork…

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Not Using Mobile in Your Qualitative Research? It’s (Well Past) Time!

If mobile engagements aren’t already among your frequently-used approaches for both qualitative and quantitative data…

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