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business man filling out successful survey

5 Key Success Factors to Creating an Effective Survey

Every survey completed is a favor someone does for your company to help you gain valuable insights and data. Though a…

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Group of people for segmentation research

How to Ensure Your Segmentation Research Doesn’t Go Unnoticed

Segmentation research is best approached thoughtfully and with considerable planning in order to maximize actionable…

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How Does Color Affect Consumer Behavior?

There’s no denying the impact of color on marketing. From influencing impulse buying to establishing trust, the colors…

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Not Using Mobile in Your Qualitative Research? It’s (Well Past) Time!

If mobile engagements aren’t already among your frequently-used approaches for both qualitative and quantitative data…

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Online Qualitative & Quantitative Research: A Match Made in Heaven

It’s no secret qualitative and quantitative market research are highly complementary to each other and, together,…

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4 Essentials in Marketing to Female Consumers

Is marketing to female consumers a struggle for your brand? If so, you’re not alone. Our research shows marketers are…

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